Cultural Appropriation. The Achilles Hill of every man and organization.

The idea of cultural Appropriation has been very prevalent throughout the last decade. Only now for the past 3-4 years had the topic been debated around. Cultural Appropriation is explained as "the unacknowledged or inappropriate adoption of... customs, practices, ideas, etc " (Oxford dictionary). But the question is who gets to decide who appropriating? The simple answer to this would be the people from the culture that's being appropriated. Usually, the idea of culture appropriating has been used against celebrities who were either appropriating elements of the Native, Black, and Asian Cultures. in the native cultures, many elements from the lives of indigenous peoples have been seen and used as antiques.

However, what happens when groups from the same race accuse the other of Cultural Appropriation?

Usually, groups of people who share the same skin tone and similar cultural aspects are all seen as one monolithic group. But that's never the case.

On 17 May 2019, A Cree singer named Connie LeGrande had been accused of misusing throat singing in the "Indigenous Music Awards". These accusations had been said by several Inuit performers, who felt LeGrande had "Impropley (used) Inuit throat singing". Throat singing had been used as a form of communication by Inuit young women used in earlier times. However, under the pressure of colonial governments, the practice of throat singing had diminished.

The fact that LeGrande who is not from an Inuit background, and had decided to put her " own expression and...sounds" on a practice that is sacred to the Inuit culture left many members from the culture disrespected. Through the eyes of Inuit people, throat singing is not just a form of art this practice is a part of their identity. A practice that is not to be used lightly.