It took hours of searching but I finally found it. The current Alberta premiere Danielle Smith keeps her obvious social media presence pretty standard for a politician, but going onto sites like locals will show a more genuine side of her official page. In this post our current premiere calls the existence of certain residential school mass graves "fake news" and says that the abuse and deaths of many children who attended these residential schools simply "did not happen". Although I personally disagree with everything that conservatives have to say generally speaking I don't intend for this to be some sort of persuasive writing entry, I just intend to connect the link between the in class topic of total apathy towards the suffering of indigenous peoples with the flat out denial of it in this post. The final step to any genocide is denial, and in this post and the post that is referenced the language used clearly shows an attitude of "we're tired of pretending to care" about indigenous problems, and in turn have created an excuse to no longer pretend to care. By denying the atrocities of these residential schools in any capacity Danielle does me the favour of creating another link to the general theme of this class; that of Canadas long history of outrageous treatment of indigenous peoples, but in this case she is continuing it. By "asking questions" about the validity of survivors claims you attempt to bring reasonable doubt into the conversation of residential schools and by doing that on the national stage you revert any sort of reconcilliation that indigenous people may have felt about the genocide that killed over 4000 children. I had my doubts about if this post was legitimate after seeing screen caps on twitter so I had to find it for myself, I've saved you the trouble of finding the post by posting the link here. ----->
- Connor