(September 11th, 2022)

In this article, Indigenous people ask the new king, Charles III to make reparation for all the wrongdoing that Indigenous people have endured through time, especially the residential schools and land acquisition. Indigenous people have been controlled and exploited by colonisation. The death of Queen Elizabeth, and the succession of Charles III offer Indigenous people, in cooperation with the political system in Canada, an opportunity to move towards a better place. This is a chance to set history on a more equitable relationship and correct the colonial past and mind set. It will be interesting to see if Charles III is willing to make amendments and give Indigenous people what they want. He has acknowledged their suffering during his May 2022 visit to Canada when he referred to the residential school survivors. What else will he be able to do or want to do? The past is the past, but going forwards these concerns may be addressed through more empathic attitudes.