Over the summer I had the good luck to meet Shelley and Moses Spear Chief. Together they have written a book that helps children understand and deal with big emotions. Shelley is a Registered Clinical Master of Social Work, she is also certified in EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) Therapy and specializes in trauma therapy. Moses is a middle school educator currently teaching the Blackfoot language, history and culture. After chatting with them for a bit Shelley told me about the book that her and Moses had just finished. Together with their collected knowledge they have written a children’s book that tells the story of Beaver and how with the help of his friends he learns how to deal with big emotions. The book uses Blackfoot words throughout the story and educates readers about breath work as well as physical and emotional regulation.
This book would be excellent to have in your classroom to not only teach students about emotional regulation but also for indigenous students to see their stories and images represented in literature. Especially in cases where anxiety is prevalent, as we are seeing in classrooms post Covid, students benefit from having strategies to manage their emotions in a safe and positive manner.

If you are interested in checking the book out I have a copy :)