"Decolonizing systems means going back to what was valued before colonial contact"

So many of the laws and systems we have in Canada are built on colonized idealogies of inhernetly Indigenous ideas. The idea of democracy for example, is attributed to the Iroquois Confederacy, and much of how we understand this system of government has roots within this Indigenous system.

The suggestion that "the foundation of this country is build on a bunch of fantasy stories that come from a monarchy across the ocean" is a hilariously true statement. Afterall, those colonizer dudes thought this land was the 'Indies'. But sure, lets force our beliefs on them and then steal the parts of theirs that we like well enough to claim as our own and use generations later. Maybe there is something to be said about the way that democracy is failing us... since the dudes 'tweaked' it to their fancy. Seems like fixing something that didn't need to be fixed. And they call the Indigenous the uncivilized ones... yikes.
Absolutely the rights and traditions of Indigenous will help define the future, now hopefully we allow it to shape the colonizers and not only the Indigenous, since they stole the idea from them anyway, might as well make them do it in the correct way.

Original Article can be found here: [https://policyoptions.irpp.org/magazines/october-2022/indigenous-governance-canada/]