As I was listening to the news I came across this heartbreaking story of a mother who had to bury not one but two of her children due too the opioid crisis that has been effecting the Indigenous community for far to long. Unfortunately like many Ms. Pine’s family has been dealing with intergenerational trauma for years and has seen death way to many times. These tough times took Ms. Pine to a dark place where she struggled with all the why’s of the world. Instead of continuing going down the dark road she turned to her traditions and values of her Indigenous culture. With the help of family and faith she returned back to school to begin training in social work and addiction policy so that she could some day help other families so they wouldn’t have to go through the pain that she has experienced.

This story reminds me of the memoir American Indian Stories, Legends, and Other Writings by Zitkala-Sa when she speaks about how she fell into the sickly Western world and become disconnected from her Indigenous life. Ms. Pine is like her as both took a step back from the sickly world and went back to school. They both decided to find spiritual healing and then take action to help better their world.