After seeing the red dresses have returned to the college I decided to research why the colour red was chosen. After reading the article I attactched below I learned “(Red) is really a calling back of the spirits of these women and allowing them a chance to be among us and have their voices heard through their family members and community.”2 Red also symbolizes “our lifeblood and that connection between all of us,”3 and both vitality and violence."
This connects to Tommy Orange's* There There* when Geradline scolds Blue for walking down the highway at night. She is refering to the disturbing amount of indigenous women who go missing or are murdered each year. This epiemic has been plauging indigenous women for decades but only in the last 10 years or so is coming into the awareness of nonindigenous. "Sen. Mark Daines voiced in 2017 that “American Indian women face murder rates that are more than ten times the national average murder rate.” Homicide is the third leading cause of death among Native girls and women aged 10 to 24, and the fifth leading cause of death for Native women aged 25 to 34". While this statement is from 2017 it is still shocking. Stopping at the MMIWG2S display at the college will bring awareness that much of the population has little to no knowledge of .