I came across a powerful news report explaining that First Nations people in British Columbia will be attending the upcoming 2022 United Nations Climate Change Conference to "[Ask] for solutions that enable First Nations people to be able to pursue avenues [and] pursue their own economic prosperity,". This immediately made me think of Lynn White's strong stance on the ecological crisis between man and nature. It is shown here that White would be very happy to see that First Nations people are standing up and taking action by asking the provincial and federal governments to "help the Nations achieve decarbonization and decolonization in tandem.". This stance by the First Nations people will include a presentation of 7 policy proposals to aide the problem of climate change.

White's ideas that now, man is the exploiter of nature, seems to agree with this news post as the colonization of buildings and companies have become harmful to the environment. Therefore, the connection to this and Lynn White's views are a great comparison as they both share the same ideas and motivation for change within the world for Indigenous peoples.
