"Somewhere along the way, we ceased becoming people and somehow became performers in an Aboriginal minstrel show for White North America" (King 68). I think this line is very indicative of how indigneous people have been treated, even with policies that have been happening in regards to indigenous people. For example, since March 2018 when the TRC released the 94 calls to action there have only ever been 13 that have been suffieciently met according to "Beyond 94" by CBC news. Over the past 6 years there has only been 13 calls to action that have been acknowledged and completed. 81 are still not met and still require a ton of work to be put through. Some of the most ergreious of these are the 18 calls to action that have not been started or acknowledged since the TRC released their inquiry.

For example,
Action 2: We call upon the federal government, in collaboration with the provinces and territories, to prepare and publish annual reports on the number of Aboriginal children (First Nations, Inuit, and Metis) who are in care, compared with non-Aboriginal children, as well as the reasons for apprehension, the total spending on preventive and care services by child-welfare agencies, and the effectiveness of various interventions.
This is something that not only affects indigenous peoples but also innocent children, yet since 2015, "Neither the federal government, provinces or territories have prepared and published annual reports of this nature since this 2015 Call to Action." It seems that we went through the effort to come up with actions without any intention of actually following through.

Even something as simple as a financial report is not being met,
Action 9: We call upon the federal government to prepare and publish annual reports comparing funding for the education of First Nations children on and off reserves, as well as educational and income attainments of Aboriginal peoples in Canada compared with non-Aboriginal people.
The summary of this act by the CBC news is, "The federal government (or arms of the government) has published versions of these reports, but they’re not annual, nor are they complete." Not only would this help with budgeting finances for the country but would also be a simple act of reconciliation to make reports annual and complete.

But yet again, it appears to just be a meaningless act. The 94 calls to action reminds me about what Thomas King says at the end of every chapter, "But don't say in the years to come that you would have lived your life differently if only you had heard this story." The TRC wrote the Federal government and people of Canada a story of indigenous sufferings and ways to correct our wrongs, yet we continue to live our lives as if we hadn't heard. I think its time that we acknowledge that this story has been written and that, "You've heard it now" (King 60).

CBC News: Beyond 94