The Land Back movement ¶
By: CassyW on Dec. 13, 2024, 9:47 p.m.
This is a bit of a celebration post. When I look for indigenous news, it is mostly sad and negative. I know reconciliation is a long process, but sometimes it is nice to see some positive news. I found that in the Land Back movement. Rather than try to explain it in my own words, here are words from the movement itself: "The project of land back is about reclaiming Indigenous jurisdiction: breathing life into rights and responsibilities. This Red Paper is about how Canada dispossesses Indigenous peoples from the land, and in turn, what communities are doing to get it back" (
This is not just Indigenous people protesting, it is white people giving the Indigenous people their land back (gifting, through wills, etc.), aiding and showing support. This is about people not waiting for the government to help or make decisions but rather stepping up to make things right and support Indigenous communities. There are also churches stepping up to give back or help get back land for the Indigenous people. I think the fact that the churches are stepping up is extremely important because it shows they acknowledge past mistakes and are committed to reconciliation. The Land Back movement is a strong and uplifting example of everyday people coming together to support Indigenous rights and self-determination.
Here is an article that has an interview with Hayden King, who helped to write the foundational text for the movement.