Medicine Wheel

Medicine Wheel  

  By: jackson.materi on Oct. 11, 2021, 11:52 a.m.

What are some ways that teachers can ensure that all 4 quadrants of a student's needs on the medicine wheel are met? This being their spiritual, physical, emotional, and social needs. How do we know if a student is truly happy and healthy when they are learning in our classrooms?

Re: Medicine Wheel  

  By: davilitokc on Oct. 11, 2021, 1:38 p.m.

This could be a daily or weekly activity that the teacher does for the class. Every morning the teacher can do some sort of short activity that incorporates either the spiritual, physical, emotional, or social aspect of the Medicine Wheel. That way they are always adding something new about Indigenous culture and they are aware of what aspect must be met. One way to make sure that students are always happy and healthy is to do an exit slip after the activity to see how each child is doing for the day.