Discussing topics such as Residential Schools is a very triggering subject, so I completely understand your concern Tamara! This is a topic that I have asked many teachers, indigenous people, and parents for advice on. I was not surprised to learn that every person had advised me differently and had different opinions, but I found that everyone I had talked to agreed on one thing: it is a difficult subject to approach but a necessary one. It is a difficult line teachers must walk on, not wanting to shatter their young student’s innocence while actively trying to break the cycle of ignoring and suppressing indigenous experiences in Canada. Based on what I was told, I decided that embedding Residential Schools within themes such as belonging in one’s community for early elementary, and social justice for older grades could be a natural and purposeful way to approach it. By using themes, teachers can scaffold the subject material rather than just launching their students into Canada’s dark history and these themes can easily be made into units or discussed throughout the year, rather than addressed and then forgotten.